Useful Books and Publications

Controls in Black and White Photography by Richard J. Henry
This book is a treasure trove of experiments to prove or disprove just about any photographic mystery or myth ever conceived. Highly recommended, but unfortunately, out of print. Amazon will search used bookstores for copies if you wish.

The Negative by Ansel Adams
If you have ever wanted to get deep into the Zone System, this book is for you. It discusses making exposures, film developing processes and modifications, and of course film testing for the Zone System. It might be excessively complicated for a beginner, but it contains much useful information for darkroom workers looking for more information.

The Zone VI Workshop by Fred Picker
This skinny little book is an excellent introduction to the principles of Zone System photography, and useful even for users of small cameras who don't wish to spend much time with Zone System methods. It won't cover the developing time modificationsto accomodate varying scene contrast the way the Ansel Adams book does, but it probably the first book you'll want to read to grasp what Zonies are talking about. It WILL help your photography!

Beyond the Zone System by Phil Davis
Phil is a careful practitioneer of photography, and suggests that the Zone System is just a start in this gem of a book. Not recommended for the casual beginner like the Zone VI Workshop book above, but it contains much useful information that can help printers rise to the top of their craft. Phil Davis writes a column in the Photo Techniques magazine that is worth reading on occasion, especially when he writes about testing different photo papers.

Photo Techniques magazine (bi-monthly)  No longer printed
Of all the current photo magazines, this one covers darkroom practices the best. A well-rounded publication with serious photographers as the target market, it far outshines other drivel-driven newstand photo magazines. You really should subscribe to this magazine if you want to further your darkroom work.

Just about anything written by David Vestal (David died in 2013)
If you want to read about hard-won practical experience, and get a dose of good photo criticism, read anything written by David Vestal. He writes a column in Photo Techniques magazine, has written books about darkroom processes, and publishes a newsletter called GRUMP for $30/year. This newsletter diverges occasionally from photography, but his writing is clear and clever. David has worn out Leica cameras!