> Reciprocity Corrections for BW Films

Reciprocity Corrections for Common Black and White films

Time (seconds or minutes:seconds)

Indicated exposure 1s 2s 4s 8s 15s 30s 60s 1:20 2:40
Tri-X 1.5 3 6 12 :29 1:18 3:00 6:42 18:16
T-Max 100 1 2 4.5 10 :21 :49 1:47 4:39 12:50
T-Max 400 1 2 4.5 10 :21 :49 1:44 4:00 9:00
HP5+ 1 2 5 10 :24 :54 2:36 5:45 19:00
100 Delta 1 2 4.5 9 :19 :41 1:33 3:50 9:20

Data from Howard Bond's article Black and White Reciprocity Departure Revisited, ppg 20-23, PHOTO Techniques magazine, July/August 2003