Meeting 5

Begin instruction in using Adobe Pagemill program to make web pages.

The importance of naming conventions for trouble free web pages:
All filenames should have ONLY ONE PERIOD in the name. Also DO NOT USE slashes, commas, apostrophes, question marks, or other unusual characters in the name. Good practice demands that files be named with only letters, numbers, and perhaps underscores or tildes to aid readability.

When naming files, use the following suffixes:

Web pages..........

.html or .htm
JPEG graphics.... .jpg or .jpeg
GIF graphics....... .gif

Create a "Hello World!" page titled "The Hello World Page" having filename page01.html.
Create another page called the "Hi Yourself!" page titled "The Hi Yourself Page", having filename page02.html.
Link the two pages to each other in PageMill, and drag the page01.html file onto an open Netscape window to view. Observe the linking.

Links are created by a) typing the file name into the Link To area at the bottom of the edit window, b) dragging the other page file icon onto the first page, or c) have both pages in open windows, type the link text and highlight it, and drag the little page icon onto the highlighted text from one window to the other.

Work with formatting text -- color, size, typeface (within HTML limitations), alignment. Show how formatting of HTML text is not as precise as in a program like QuarkXPress by creating a page and resizing it in various navigator windows.

In-class exercise: Using Adobe Pagemill, create two pages for a company called Trees and Roots Garden Services using the files in the Design Lab/Web Design 320/520/trees_n_roots folder. One page should be a corporate identity page, while the other linked page lists the kinds of trees available.


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