Digital Imaging Fall Semester 2012
Instructor Bill Schneider, office 301G Seigfred Hall
Class Description: This class will use the computer to create and manipulate images. Through digital photography or the use of high-quality film, flatbed scanners, or your own digital pictures, students will create further work in Adobe's Photoshop and other related programs. Vector illustrations may be imported from programs like Freehand, Illustrator, or CorelDraw to be further modified or combined with photographs. Topics to be covered range from simple tone corrections of scanned photographs through creating advanced composite images.
Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend each lecture and
lateness is considered an absence. Leaving class early is also considered an
absence unless the instructor is notified of the reason in advance. In most cases, you are permitted 2
absences to accommodate sickness or family emergency before deductions are taken
from your final grade. There may be exemptions to the above policy, but
need to be addressed beforehand. Grading: A grade will be given for each assignment based on how well the submitted work met the goals of the assignment. In addition to a final examination (and for graduate student sections, a research project), three types of assignments are given in this class Creative Assignments, Technical Exercises, and Class Prep Assignments.
Your final grade reflects a weighted average of the creative assignment and test scores less any deductions for unsatisfactory technical assignments, class prep assignments, excessive absence, or lack of participation. All assignments should be turned in on time to be counted toward your grade.
Plagiarism: Scanning, downloading, or unauthorized use of copyrighted work (which includes copyrighted pictures, of course) for creative assignments will be considered plagiarism and you will receive a failing grade for the entire class. In addition, any suspected plagiarism will be referred to the office of judiciaries for further action. Create your own content!
Pictures from Other Classes: While you may draw upon your own "file photographs" and illustrations that you have made for other classes, please don't submit nearly the same artwork to satisfy both classes. What is permitted is to use the photo or illustration as a point of departure for digital illustrations that incorporate them. If a picture is not much altered from work submitted in a concurrent or past class, you will be not be given credit for it.
Participation: In addition to the specific Class Prep Exercises given in class, you should also participate in the group critiques of assignment work for your own benefit as well as for the benefit of others in the class. Your ideas are welcome, and active learning enriches your own understanding of this medium. Not participating in the discussions, working on assignments during lectures and critiques, reading email, texting, or surfing the internet during class time is considered lack of participation. Cell phone usage is prohibited in class. Lack of general participation may lower your final grade up to 2/3 letter grade at the instructor's discretion.
Book (Optional): My web site may serve as a text for the class. It is found at:
Office Hours: For meetings with me, please schedule an appointment. My office hours will be TTh 10-11:15, but please schedule first. If there are no scheduled appointments, I may elect to do research instead. Please limit appointment requests made via email to regular business hours. Make sure that you check your university email account for class announcements. Email forwarded to another account is not always reliable (might be considered as "spam", etc.)
Note 2: The deadline for any remakes is 3 weeks from the original deadline. For example, if September 21 is the deadline for Technical Exercise 1, then any remakes for that assignment must be submitted by October 12 which is the third Friday from the original one. You may submit remade assignments up to midnight on the day that it is due.
Note 3: Three holidays will affect the MW class in Fall 2012 - Labor Day on September 3, Veteran's Day on November 12, and the start of Thanksgiving Break on November 21. The TTh class is affected by two events - The Scripps Day event Seminar on October 2 (attendance will be required at a lecture presented during class time) and the Thanksgiving break on November 22.